So my hubby and I have always been campers, but once you have a kid…things you MUST HAVE seem to change quite a bit. Pre-child, it was having the right sleeping bags, food, water and dog biscuits. Now, we need those same things but a few extra items seem to be crucial. Having a kid changes up the way you camp, but getting out into nature and unplugging from the world is the most important part. So if you are headed to a State or National Park this summer for some good ‘ol fresh air, amazing natural destinations and a lifetime of memories.
Here are some MUST HAVES when camping with kids:
- Scooters and/or bikes plus a helmet
- Glow sticks from the Dollar Tree
- Bubble Wands
- Mini Headlamps/Lanterns
- A small speaker for music (make sure your iTunes are downloaded and not just on the cloud, I did not double check this before going off the grid)
- Slip on Shoes for going in and out of the tent (we love Natives or Crocs)
Make sure to pack:
- Natural Bug Spray
- Sunscreen
- Mini First-Aid Kit
- Some sort of Anti-Histamine in case of a bee sting or anything else. If you have an EpiPen bring it for yourself or someone else who is having an anaphalaxtic reaction (this just happened to a family friend of ours)
- Warm Jackets for nighttime
- Sun Hats for Day and little beanies for night
- Aloe Vera in case of burns
- Hydration Pack
- Folding chairs for the whole family to gather around the camp fire

Food Suggestions:
- Baked Beans
- Oatmeal
- Instant Coffee (for you parents…you’re welcome!)
- Corn on the cob
- S’more Supplies…click here for my S’more Game Changers
- Hot Dogs and Burgers (Veggie Ones for me)
Other Parent Needs:
- An axe to split firewood
- Long lighter
- Some sort of sunshade
- Citronella Candle
- Trash Bags
- A bucket/container to wash dishes
- Soap
- Paper towels
*Tip: Make sure you bring a checkbook and/or exact cash for paying for campsites. Unless you have already reserved online via credit card, there may not be an ATM to pay for your site
Happy Camping!