About 6 months ago I joined a non-profit group called the Alliance of Moms. The Founding Moms of this group always speak passionately about their mission which is helping pregnant and parenting foster youth. Right off the back I loved this mission. The idea of moms helping other moms in need hit a spot in my heart, but I didn’t quite grasp how hard it would hit.
I dont share this too often, but my former professional background was in non-profit fundraising and development for at-risk youth as well as working at a prestigious family foundation as a program manager specializing in women and children. So, it is pretty easy to encourage me to join a group helping foster youth who are parents or parents to-be.
So without hesitation I joined the group. I loved all the new moms I was meeting. Each mom had the same love in their heart for helping other moms, so I knew I had just found a gold mine of amazing moms.
On September 24th, I got to experience the true heart of the Alliance of Moms. Alliance of Moms celebrated their annual Raising Baby event at the Children’s Institute. This is a day when foster moms gather together and learn about sleeping with baby, the importance of reading to baby and how music with baby/toddlers can be so easy. Between learning sessions with experts in the field, a free book fair was available, drop in music with Books & Cookies LA was available, great food from Chipotle, baby wearing expert from Solle Baby and so much more. More than anything it was an incredible day for moms in the foster system and not to join together and support one another.
It was eye opening to see how much these girls in the foster system wanted a life for their babies filled with enrichment and love. These girls and their partners are so committed to creating a life and love for their babies that they may not have experienced for themselves. Sometimes I forget how truly blessed I have been in life to have been loved and nurtured by my mother and then to turn around be able to do the same for my baby. I feel so grateful to have the support of my husband always and resources to educate me through parenting, not to mention not having to worry about a roof over my head or food on my table. It is amazing how far love and stability can take us through the journey of parenting.
One other amazing part of the day were the celebrity moms who joined in volunteering for the day. From rocking babies to sleep in the nursery, to sharing their love for the Alliance of Moms on various media outlets to speaking/inspiring foster moms to lending a helping hand. Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Lindsay Price and Jordana Brewster.
If you are an LA mom looking for a great tribe of women doing incredible things in the community for pregnant and parenting foster youth…make sure you check out Alliance of Moms!

PS….HUGE KUDOS to all of the sponsors who donated to this amazing cause!
Sponsors included AKID, Cybex, B.Box, Baby Blanket Music, The Book Foundation, Chipotle, The Cradle Company, Goldpress, helpr App, The Honest Co, Joy in Birthing Foundation, Katee Grace Photography, Lasinoh, Red Anchor Photo, Pure Growth Organics, Project Fatherhood, Our Sacred Women, The Neighborhood School, MAM, REMO, Go Sili, Rose, Smashbox, SollyBaby, Suja, Too Small to Fail, Tubby Todd, 2 Red Hens, Whole Foods, the Whole 9 Months and so many more!
Also HUGE HIGH TENS to the partners of the event: Munchkin Inc, Heal, Mini Maven, the Baby Box, Ergo Baby and Beaba