“It’s your life. Make it a happy one” – Rock Dog Movie
Saturday February 12th, my little family and I attended the premiere of the yet to be released family-centric film, Rock Dog which is Lionsgate’s Summit Premiere’s latest movie.
So I will be honest that I didn’t know much about the film. As a family, we tend to watch almost every kid movie that comes to the theaters so I don’t always do a lot of research other than the rating, which sometimes works in my favor since the movie always tends to exceed my expectations.
So the movie is based on the Chinese graphic novel Tibetan Rock Dog by Chinese rockstar Zheng Jun. It is about Tibetan Mastiff Dogs living/protecting an area called Snow Mountain. The entire job of the mastiff family is to protect the sheep from the gangster wolf pack that is constantly wanting to either eat the wolves or steal the lookout point of Snow Mountain.
Mastiff leader Khampa (voiced by one of my faves J.K. Simmons) does not allow for any distraction including all music from the mountain; however Khampa’s son Bodi (Luke Wilson) goes for a stroll and discovers a radio dropped by a passing airplane…the sound of music changes the entire being of Bodi. Between the radio and hearing the sounds and interview of the world famous Angus Scattergood…life has just taken a new passionate turn for him. After a few guitar licks Bodi has hist heart set on being a rock ‘n’ roll star. Khampa will not hear any of it, but at some point he realizes that his son needs to get music out of his system and sends him on his way to the city. With some serious zest in his step, Bodi heads to the big city in hopes of locating the legendary, reclusive musician Angus Scattergood (Izzard), who needs to write a new song and fast otherwise his record label will drop him. If Bodi can put a band together, help Angus with his song, and defeat the wolves’ plot to take Snow Mountain, his life will be seriously perfect.
This movie is filled with inspirational and poignant quotes and the music is seriously fun. This movie will have you fighting for Bodi to live his life and feel his passion, make your heart swell and the plot line is very easy to follow. What I loved was the light hearted innocence of the Bodi as well as his persistence of pursuing his dreams and finding his passion. Very appropriate for most young kiddos 3-4 and up in my opinion.

Can’t wait to watch it again on Feb 24th! 🙌 @lionsgatemovies
Lionsgate’s Summit Premiere