Yesterday, my little guy and I headed over to one of our favorite West Hollywood spots, Au Fudge, to hang out with the ever cool Puma Kids Style Lab. As soon as we entered, my little guy dashed over to a table and began coloring/designing a Puma shoe. If I get this right, a design will be chosen and possibly made to life as a real shoe. Does it get any cooler than that???

What’s fun about Puma is that it is a complete throwback to my late high school days. I loved my Puma’s then and guess what…this millennial mom has reignited her love affair with Puma. It’s like walking on pillows. My little guy got decked out yesterday with the coolest suede black Batman Puma Kids shoes. See pic below:

I absolutely love that Puma’s are coming back and that I can rock them with my little guy. Although I am coveting the patent leather pairs, there is something about the classic OG suede ones that still hold a special place in my heart. I will say that they make some pretty amazing Mommy and Me styles; however if you see some you like..BUY THEM because they sell out in the flash of an eye.
Thanks for letting us play with you yesterday Puma Kids! For more fun on social, follow the hashtag #PumaKidsLab