The “GROSSER” the better when you have little boys! I know I am not alone when I say that and it was reinforced when we went to the premiere of the new movie, Grossery Gang. It was pretty cool to have the amazing Random Guys from YouTube and a Grossery Gang Pizza on hand for pictures and other shenanigans.

You know this new movie had to check the list below: ☠️
Gross ✅
Putrid ✅
Trash ✅
Honestly Grossery Gang toys look like Shopkins gone bad. Instead of being cute and adorable, the Grossery Gang is gross, smelly and disfigured. The brand new movie that came out on the 28th of July was so up my little guy’s alley and pretty much every other boy in the theater but not so much for me. I think I am more of a Shopkins fan but as a boy mom sometimes I just have to go for the #PutridPower and honestly you cant lose. This movie cracks me up because as I watched my little guy cheer for the putrid power, I was secretly going over my cleaning supplies and home to-do list.

The after party was so fun. We ate snacks that looked like they came straight from the movie, got a great toy bag, got little toys from slime buckets and so much more. Thanks for having us KidVuz and Moose Toys *(AD)
Watch then full movie here: