Grief…I was FaceTiming a girlfriend the other day and we had the most interesting conversation about grief. We are all grieving right now. Grieving the normalcy of our lives that changed literally overnight from the Coronavirus. We went from from going to work everyday, going out to eat and running errands whenever we want, taking kids to after school activities and the general hustle and bustle of life. Like many others our vacation plans were cancelled overnight. We were supposed to be in Portugal for a last trip before this baby comes…so grieving something we were looking forward. For many others it’s was a wedding, family reunion, graduation, etc
It’s been an adjustment to always have a mask on with gloves when going to do the essentials, cooking morning, noon and night and trying to nail down a time for grocery delivery, homeschooling, home everything…getting more used to the new norm every day but there are still moments of anxiety and ahhhhhhh where we miss the freedoms we had like seeing friends and family in person instead of zoom and FaceTime…but seriously thank goodness for that and having dogs to walk a millions times a day (I will never feel like it is a checklist to do item ever again but wonderful freedom we have)❤️
I guess at the end of the day I realize that although we are all alone in our homes…we are all in this together. From always making sure we are social distancing from walks to delivering groceries to a loved ones front steps to following the current guidelines of helping #flattenthecurve …we are alone but together in this. So grateful for everyone on the frontlines of this pandemic from grocery store employees to doctors to nurses to first responders … thank you 🙏
Sending you all love! Stay well 💕