“I intend to accept my body today. Love my body tomorrow & appreciate my body always”
After gaining 70 pounds during my pregnancy while eating a healthy diet…it has been a long journey to getting the weight off (I am still not there yet). While I have always been very regimented about my workout routine, eating well and watching portions, it has been a very long road to losing all the weight I gained during my pregnancy. There are days when I wish I had eaten a burger, fried and shake on a regular basis while I was pregnant for two reasons:
- It would have tasted really really good
- It would make switching back to clean eating post baby more impactful for weight loss
Post baby, I was sure everyone was right when they said that breastfeeding would literally suck the pounds right off. Lucky for me, I am not one of the women that had this problem. The weight stuck with me. I did mommy and me bootcamp, yoga, treadmill and so much more. I slowly moved into Zumba which was fun but honestly did nothing for my waistline. I have had the hardest time adjusting to my “new” body after baby. I just didnt want to. have held on to the hope that I would get back to to the body I had before baby. Maybe there would be stretch marks and maybe I would have loose skin but I would feel good in my body.
For the first time in 6 years, the picture above is the first picture I have taken showing a tiny bit of my waistline. While I am comfortable with the stretch marks, surgery marks from having my appendix out while pregnant…I am still trying to embrace the body I have now and not compare it to the body I had pre-kiddo. I am almost to the end of my weight loss journey and I am proud of myself for staying the course for the last 6 years. I have learned to really watch my portions, drink a TON of water and make healthy eating choices.
I love working out and eating healthy so naturally I am a mom who loves to roll out of my PJs in the am and straight into my yoga pants. Amari Activewear is my current crush! I love that the waist on the leggings goes right past your belly button and not too tight. The sizing makes sense and from my experience true to size. I have been lusting after mesh paneled leggings, and Amari ones are perfect. While I love solid neutrals for pants…these are fun because they have a pattern (poppies) and then the sheer. Its that little bit of flair that makes you smile. Love how to collections mixes and matches really well. Everything can go together. Love the quality of material. Best of all you can wash and dry the pieces without any piling…YES please! You can tell this company was founded by a mom…there are pads in the tops, high waist with a compression like material for the bottoms, shorts have a cell phone spot and they can be put in the dryer without stress. OBSESSED!
@erinziering and I are giving a pair on of all black leggings with sheer panels on the sides away at Facebook.com/erinandveena (like, comment and share our FB LIVE to be entered) or use discount code EVwearAmari for 30% off