I love a good workout always but sometimes I need a little extra incentive. Can you guess what will definitely get me to workout? YUP! You are so right…matcha, food, and cute new yoga pants! Those are just a few that come to mind. I really love working out just because it makes my mind, body, […]
Shazam! World Premiere
Shazam! Just like that your dreams have come true! Shazam! is the latest superhero movie but not like any superhero movie you have ever seen before. It’s true, we all have a superhero inside each and every one of us dying to come out…we just need a little bit of magic to bring it out. […]
Storm Boy Press Junket
As a mama with an 8 yr old who loves reading, it has been so fun to start him on reading books that are turning into major motion pictures. My little guy’s first go at this will be Storm Boy, an Australian classic by Colin Thiele which is about a boy, Storm Boy who cares […]
DUMBO is in theaters TODAY!
I grew up watching Disney movies in theaters and on VHS tape. Disney movies were a HUGE part of my childhood and now as a mother, Disney movies remain a staple in our family-friendly entertainment nights. We always say there is just a little bit of pixi dust on everything Disney touches and DUMBO is no […]
The Second Act Digital Release
Do you ever feel like you aren’t enough? That you never were and that you never will be? You are not alone but the truth is… YOU ARE! You always have been. I am obsessing over the trailer for Second Act movie with Jennifer Lopez. Just in the couple minutes of the movie I have […]