We are HUGE fans of dogs and movies so when those two things are put together…we are pretty much the largest FANS ever! We had the opportunity to screen A Dog’s Way Home, which is about a sweet dog named Bella who embarks on a 400-mile journey back to her owner, Luke. It is the […]
Sweater Dress for Winter
I am newly obsessed with sweater dresses! They are a fun change up for from the traditional sweater and jeans looks I wear for most of late fall and winter. After a while, I get the urge to feel girly and the sweater dress is the perfect option in your wardrobe. I love particular sweater […]
Health Hacks for 2019 : KTLA Segment
With 2019 in full swing, many of the resolutions we planned on making are difficult to keep up with. I love resolving to small life baby steps that lead you to be the best version of you. Here are some of the easy health Hacks I shared on KTLA yesterday to help lead both you […]
Lego Movie 2 : The Second Part Excitement
Just about a year ago, we fell completely back in love with legos with Lego: Ninjago and Lego: Batman before that. What is not to love about legos having awesome adventures and triumphing over evil…after all isn’t that how we imagined our lego creations coming to life after we spent hours upon hours building them? […]
Mary Poppins Returns
As a HUGE Disney fan, I pretty much love all of their movies and one of my very favorite movies growing up was Mary Poppins. I cannot imagine that there is a single person in the entire universe who doesn’t love that movie. When the trailer for the sequel, Mary Poppins Returns came out, I […]