We all talk about girl power and honestly we are all hoping that we as grown women embody true “girl power,” but it is easy to lose sight of what exactly that means today. Last week, it was so refreshing to see how young girls/tweens/teens are truly embracing the idea of being a strong girl. […]
Beautiful Bodies
It’s very rare that I can find so much of myself in a book. I was recently sent a pre-order copy of Beautiful Bodies by Kimberly Rae Miller. This is her memoir of loving and hating her body from early childhood to having a baby of her own. While I did not struggle with “true” […]
Inhumans Premiere
Earlier this week, I headed over to Universal Citywalk for the premiere of the new show Inhumans by Marvel TV. Marvel’s Inhumans explores an a never been told before story. The first two episodes of this show were filmed for IMAX, so they HUGE visuals and sounds, which open today in IMAX theaters for only […]
Karina Smirnoff X LA Splash
August 21st, I headed over to the Sofitel Hotel in Beverly Hills for the launch of the new Karina Smirnoff collection for LA Splash Cosmetics. As a huge Dancing with the Stars fan, I was pretty excited to get an inside peek into what type of makeup one would wear to look flawless after intense […]
Leap! Movie Premiere LA
August 19th. we headed over to one of LA’s hot spots, The Grove for the premiere of the latest Weinstein Group film, Leap! We were lucky enough to watch Leap! a few months ago at a screening and loved it so much that we couldn’t wait to watch it again at the LA premiere. Upon […]