This post has been sponsored by The Incredible Egg. All opinions expressed are my own.

The countdown to 2019 is officially on! With the new year always seems to come the idea of a fresh start. I generally never “resolve” to anything, however, our family always commits to “life tweaks.” We’re choosing to focus on achievable goals that will make an impact and improve our overall health.
2019 is the year that we are committed to starting our day with more natural proteins. One way we are doing this is by adding in more whole protein sources, like eggs, into our breakfast routine. With one large egg containing 6 grams of protein, eggs are a great way that I can ensure my kids have mental and physical energy all day long! And, as a busy mom, I can always use a little energy boost myself.
I know cooking breakfast can mean getting up 15 minutes earlier, but after checking out IncredibleEgg, we found a ton of great breakfast recipes to try in 2019, so we can start our day packed with protein. I have no doubt that we will find more we want to try and others we want to repeat as the year goes on.

One of the recipes that inspired us was Cloud Eggs. How fun do cloud eggs sound? I am also guessing that you are wondering what they look like. They are SO fun to make and SO good to eat. Believe me, eating eggs will become the best part of your day after you try this adorable recipe and you will be well on your way to starting out 2019 superpowering your mornings packed with high-quality protein! Here’s my take on this recipe:
Step 1: Separate the egg whites (1.5 egg whites per yolk)
Step 2: Preheat oven to 450 degree
Step 3: Fold the egg whites using a fork, whisk, electric or hand mixer
Step 4: Keep mixing until you can scoop egg whites easily (see photo)
Step 5: Line a baking pan/sheet with parchment paper so the cloud eggs can easily slide off
Step 6: Scoop cloud egg whites onto the parchment paper until your desired cloud shape and height
Step 7: Make indent for egg yolk
Step 8: Gently, very gently slide yolk into the cloud
Bake at 450 until you reach your desired egg yolk consistency. Once cooled, taste the rainbow complete with the best tasting cloud egg you could dream of.

And just like that, eating a good source of protein for both you and your kid(s) is a breeze. No more morning fights with picky eaters on this dish! For more nutrition tips and recipes, visit