It’s that time of year already…well maybe…I feel like July is the September and all the holiday decor is in stores already. We love Halloween around here because Eddie (my 11 yr old) was born that day so we really love celebrating around here. We popped over to the Dollar Store the other day and were blown away at how much fun Halloween stuff was already on the shelves and ready to get crafty with. I immediately gravitated towards these eyeball ornaments. There were boxes so I felt comfortable getting only 4 tubes and then a few boxes of the little ornaments. I saw a metal wreath outline and I knew what I wanted to make. A fun, spooky eyeball wreath to put on our front door. For under $10 for a custom one of a kind of a wreath, it felt like a really good deal.

I bought my ornaments and immediately went home turned on my hot glue gun and was ready to get crafty. First I like to lay out all of items on the wreath to see the spacing and figure out how I want to fill in the gaps and then I just get going with the hot glue. I love a fun wreath like this because it is budget friendly and really a very fast craft with a big bang look at the end.