You all know I love adventure and excitement, but something you may not know is that I’m prone to motion sickness. It’s always been a struggle for me to have to choose between feeling sick but alert, or well but groggy from medication. I’m so excited to share that Dramamine® sent me and my family to Iceland to try their new Dramamine® Non-Drowsy Naturals – an all-natural product that treats motion sickness without the groggy side-effects!
Our adventure started with the 9-hour plane ride from Los Angeles to Reykjavik, Iceland. As soon as we boarded, I took my Non-Drowsy Naturals Formula and that flight was easy, breezy and awesome! As soon as we landed I was ready to start our family outing. We loaded up our luggage and began our road trip around the Golden Circle.
This was already such an AMAZING experience! Sitting in the back seat with my little guy for 2 days was so sweet and something I’ve never been able to do before! It was so nice to look out the window and see the beautiful scenes without either feeling sick or sleeping through it. The Non-Drowsy Naturals work!
Along our road trip, we hiked a glacier for several hours and even snowmobiled across one… and guess what??? I never got motion sick once! It was such an amazing experience for me to enjoy every moment of the excursions and be able to take in the whole experience.
From the Golden Circle, we headed to the Diamond Circle in North Iceland. 7 hours in the car was no problem for me, woohooooo!
For the ultimate adventure that would typically give me motion sickness: getting onto a boat to whale watch. Dramamine sent us to Húsavík, which is famous for their whale watching tours. This was the very first time in my life I actually got to see all the whale sightings on the way out to sea and back to shore! Generally, I only see what happens on our way from the dock out to the first viewing point and then I am sick and have to take a motion sickness aide, which consequently makes me miss the rest of the whale watching tour. Not this time! It was such a magical experience to see orcas and humpbacks in nature’s playground.

Thank you Dramamine Non-Drowsy Naturals Formula for the trip of a lifetime and memories that we will never forget!