“You are never too old to live your dreams” – @diananyad 🌟
A little rain didn’t stop me from kicking off my Sunday by going on a walk with the incredibly inspiring @diananyad, the Olympic long distance swimmer. Not only did she swim 53 hours straight from Cuba to the Florida Keys without a shark cage…she recently started an initiative called @everwalkusa. EverWalk is the biggest walking movement in US history(ā¤ this…totally in my wheelhouse). Since this is an initiative, there is no commitment other than the one that you are making to yourself. Make the commitment to yourself to walk more, to move more and most importantly to sit less.
What I love about this walking movement is that you can do it alone, you can do it with your dog, you can do it with your kids/family or all of the above. Walking has so many therapeutic options. It is a great time to get fresh air, to clear a mind and to get your endorphins pumping. I always tell friends that there is no wrong way to integrate wellness into your life. Walking can start at 5 minutes a day on your lunch break and grow from there. You dont have to go to a gym. It does not have to be inconvenient. Set small goals that are easy to incorporate into your life and grow from there. It takes 30 days to change a habit, so keep that in mind.
Below is the EverWalk pledge:
EverWalk Nation Pledge
- I pledge to walk at least 3 times a week.
- I will be an example to my family, friends and neighbors about the importance of walking and leading an active lifestyle.
- I commitĀ to be an ambassador for EverWalkās mission and want to get America walking.
Thanks for an amazing morning strollĀ @everwalkusa and then the guided cool down and stretch with the GX teamĀ @24hourfitness. Below is quick FB live interview:
PS it was #NationalPolkaDotDay so I had to sport my polka dot workout pants ā¤ā¤ā¤