New Year, Same you but even better!

I love having a super quick smoothie packed full of nutrients and vitamins..its what I like to call my everyday smoothie recipe.
I generally hop over to the store to pick up fresh, organic produce from a wholesale store, farmers market or my new obsession of Amazon comes to my door…yes, please! I love that you can buy organic produce at these places without breaking the bank. I always say when juicing or blending…use organic because it absorbs straight into your body.

While I don’t do resolutions, I do little life tweaks that I can keep up with throughout the year that are very sustainable. Lets be real, it is a lot more fun to make huge resolutions but it is not the easiest to maintain them throughout the year. This year I have committed to adding nutrient-packed smoothies into my day. Here is my everyday smoothie recipe:
All you need is:
Almond Milk
Add all the ingredients into your blender (I used the Nutribullet here), mix until you get your desired consistency and then smoothie away!
*Sometimes I will add in some vegan protein powder so it will tide me over to my next meal