With 2019 in full swing, many of the resolutions we planned on making are difficult to keep up with. I love resolving to small life baby steps that lead you to be the best version of you. Here are some of the easy health Hacks I shared on KTLA yesterday to help lead both you and me to a very healthy and successful 2019🌟🌟

1. Put the portion size of your snacks into small snack bags so they are easy to grab and go
2. Keep single serve snacks on hand
3. Meal plan for lunch/dinner in bento boxes so they are easy to grab and go
4. Protect your skin with daily sunscreen and blue light protection skincare. We are exposed to blue light from our phones, computers, TVs, etc
5. Add a balance disc to your work chair for instant posture improvement and to workout while you work since it engages your abs while balancing on it.
What I love about these hacks is that anyone can do them. Maybe only commit to one of the 5 suggestions above. I love adding the balance disc to your chair because there is no real effort involved other than ordering one and placing it on your chair…and BAM you are increasing your health value. I also love buying in bulk because its a better value; however, portion control can be difficult. It can be so easy to grab several handfuls and not notice how many calories you have consumed so portioning it out into snack bags that you can grab and go will make you more cognizant of your caloric intake.
Happy 2019! 🌟🌟🌟