As a mama with an 8 yr old who loves reading, it has been so fun to start him on reading books that are turning into major motion pictures. My little guy’s first go at this will be Storm Boy, an Australian classic by Colin Thiele which is about a boy, Storm Boy who cares for three injured pelicans whose mother was killed by hunters. Storm Boy names them Mr. Proud, Mr. Ponder and Mr. Percival. He raises the pelicans and eventually has to return them to their natural breeding ground. Mr. Percival soon returns after release and this movie will have you in tears.
The actor Finn Little, who plays Storm Boy, was completely starstruck to play alongside Geoffrey Rush and beyond thrilled to have starred in his first major motion picture especially with a story as beautiful as this classic set in his home country of Australia. During the press junket, Finn spoke about some of his favorite parts of the movie:
- Pelican Dance
- Playing soccer with Pelicans
- Pelicans are snuggly and loveable although they smell like fish and poo
Finn also spoke about the importance of this movie because it is a big reminder that we need to keep our environment healthy and be thoughtful of the animals that reside in nature.
Finn said that this movie challenged him especially one scene in particular…he went fishing in 3-degree celsius…wow!
This movie is a beautiful story that is a must watch for families! Out in select theaters April 5th!