As we have all been quarantined for over a month now, I have been sprucing up my Work From Home looks well because I need a little odd pick me up and cozy is still very easy to make cute. I have been loving the coziness from Eddie Bauer. Its good quality (which for me means that it can last through the million walks, washes and cooking) and super cute…which is a SUPER WIN for me. Here are a few of my favorite looks that I have put together from EB. Loving the joggers, fuzzy quarter fleece and of course the tie dye sweatshirt…because tie dye is definitely all the rage right now and I am hoping it is here to stay for awhile because it reminds me of my childhood making tie dye at home.

Another thing I have been loving about Eddie Bauer is that it is perfect for my current state…26 weeks pregnant and it is will be perfect for post arrival of the newest Crownholm at the end of July. While the looks might be slightly different with or without a belly, I love that brands that accommodate maternity style so well but truly will get the most use post maternity life.